Alumni Ambassadors Programme

Your time and expertise can make a real difference to our prospective and current Roehampton students. Please see our available volunteering opportunities below and contact the Alumni Office on to register your interest and find out more.

If you are a university staff member who has already had a member of the alumni community volunteer their time in your department, please complete our volunteering form to log their hours.

Mentoring Pathways

Our career mentoring scheme enables alumni and friends of the University to mentor current students and recent graduates with one-to-one career advice, support and guidance. If you would like to help guide the career of others and mentor our students on our online platform or through our new face to face programme, please contact to express an interest or apply direct to the scheme.

Roehampton's Alumni community are spread across the world with thousands of alumni based in more than 140 countries across the globe. We encourage our alumni to connect and share their interests. This could be to network, socialise with former students or promoting the university to those looking into higher education.
Alumni can pair with a first year international student to help them adjust to living in the UK, specifically London, and provide them with practical advice about studying at Roehampton. Alternatively, if you run a network group in your area, get in touch so we can support you!

Our prospective students have many questions when they accept their place at Roehampton and you could help answer them. Alumni would be connected with prospective students who have been given an unconditional offer to discuss their time at Roehampton, answer any questions to ease their concerns, all while promoting the university.


Careers Clinic

Give our students the opportunity to gain an understanding of your industry and help them transition into the world of employment whilst also raising awareness of your organisation by offering a day of shadowing at your work.

Hosted by the university, share your experiences through our webinars, podcasts and blogs. Allow our students to explore your time at university and career path since leaving Roehampton. Get in touch with your details to explore the options available.

Share your career experience by holding mock interviews with our students to give them the opportunity to experience interviews in different sectors and receive feedback, offer industry related CV checks and provide employability advice relating to the role the student is applying for or looking to apply for.


Student Engagement

Return to campus and work in conjunction with our academic departments to speak to our students in panel discussions, guest lecturers and larger course events.

Join the university at open days, offer holder days, postgraduate evenings and more to offer guidance and advice to prospective students.

Launched to encourage discussion and input from our alumni, a panel has been created to meet and contribute their experience, advice and opinions. Discussions are based around upcoming events, communications, fundraising opportunities, university life and how you can be an ambassador for the institution. 

Across three ceremonies a year, we celebrate over 2500 of our students graduating. We would welcome assistance from our alumni at the Royal Festival Hall on our alumni and careers table, speaking to students after their ceremonies about what comes next, offering careers advice and promoting the alumni and careers services.

Who better than our alumni to inspire students by sharing their time at Roehampton or to share their career success story, talking about their journey and all the things they’ve learnt along the way? Our alumni profiles show the many paths that our graduates have taken, help students visualise where their time at Roehampton may lead them and can help decision making for applicants.