PhD Graduate Awarded Prestigious Award

  • Friday, April 3, 2020

Dr Mandie Iveson has been awarded the 2020 Serra d’Or prize (Catalan Studies section) for her book.

Image -  PhD Graduate Awarded Prestigious Award

The book, titled Language Attitudes, National Identity and Migration in Catalonia: What the Women Have to Say (Sussex Academic Press, 2019) is based on Dr Iveson’s doctoral work undertaken at Roehampton under the supervision of Dr Carrie Hamilton, Dr Elvira Anton and Prof. Annabelle Mooney.

The research examines language, nation and identity in Catalonia through a gendered lens. It analyses the preservation of the Catalan language during the Franco dictatorship. By bringing together approaches from oral history and sociocultural linguistics, the study provides important linkages between the economic, political and social circumstances in Catalonia today and also in the wider discourses of nationalism, identity and migration in 21st century Europe.

Dr Iveson was awarded a TECHNE scholarship that enabled her to dedicate three years solely to her research whilst she was at Roehampton. She says ‘I was so privileged to work with my supervisors, Elvira Antón, Carrie Hamilton and Annabelle Mooney who so generously gave me their expertise, support and guidance as well as the space to grow.’

Professor Annabelle Mooney, Head of Department of Media, Culture and Language says ‘We’re absolutely delighted that Mandie and her research have received this honour. Mandie’s transdisciplinary research involved fieldwork in Cataluña gathering oral histories from a range of women as well as online research on social media.  This material captured the breadth and depth of lived experience of women’s life in Cataluña from the time of Franco to very recent independence movement events. Her book represents a significant contribution to the fields of oral history, social media analysis, linguistics and – as this prize recognises – Catalan studies. For Mandie’s work to be recognised by the Serra D’Or prize is a huge honour, especially given their long history of work in protecting and promoting Catalan culture and language.’