Tickets available for the annual student theatre and performance festival

  • Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The University of Roehampton annual festival of student theatre and performance started on the 29th April. 

Image - Tickets available for the annual student theatre and performance festival

The Roehampton Performance Event (RoPE), stages work from across the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.  

Shown over two weeks the festival showcases a wide range of student work which is wide ranging, including experimental studio performances, large scale productions, devised work, site-specific theatre and workshops. The productions explore contemporary experiences, ideas and issues. 

Some of the highlights this year incude Abstract, like a symphony which is inspired by Chekhov and the work of the German choreographer Pina Bausch. There is also The Last Ninean abstract piece created through methods involving the taking apart and reconstruction of works by Samuel Beckett. 

The productions are the culmination of spring term modules and form part of students' formal assessment. Students and staff are welcome to attend the free productions, information on booking tickets can be found here 

Drama at Roehampton has a global reputation for research and teaching innovation and cultural engagement. Roehampton offers BAs in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies and Theatre Practices and Production, an exciting Master's programme; London's Theatre: Viewing, Making, Writing and cutting-edge PhD supervision.