Excellent client feedback for law clinic volunteers

  • Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Third year LLB Law students volunteering with Citizens Advice are highly rated by their first cohort of clients.

Image of students in front of computer

Launched earlier this year, the Roehampton Law School's law clinic provides third year law students with hands-on legal experience by giving free legal advice to Wandsworth residents, referred by Citizens Advice. All students are volunteers and their role in the clinic complements the ‘Law in Practice’ ethos of the Roehampton Law School.

The first students to get involved with the project have now received feedback from a number of clients who were surveyed about their experience. All confirmed they were 'very happy' (the most positive option) with the service they received. They further commented that attending the appointment reduced any stress or worry, and that they would recommend the clinic to family and friends. Some typical comments received were:

  • 'I wanted to say thankyou for your help, I know you put a lot of effort into it and I wanted you to know I really appreciate it'
  • 'What a lovely experience, my friend and I were made to feel very calm. We have moved out of our house now and are still waiting for the deposit but feel confident it will be returned to us'
  • 'The service you provided was of great value and the information you provided very helpful, thankyou for all your help'

Susanna Hoar, Head of Clinic, is delighted with the feedback and the confidence boost it will inevitably give to the volunteers. She comments "This pro bono project offers the students a relevant and rewarding opportunity that will help equip them with the legal skills they need to succeed, and help them stand out from the crowd. I don't need to survey our students to know what a positive experience it was for them too, and how much they enjoyed it."

You can watch a short video about the law clinic here.