Faculty launches Centre for Sustainability and Responsible Management

  • Thursday, December 2, 2021

The new Centre for Sustainability and Responsible Management (CSRM) was formally launched with an on-campus event on 25 November.

Image - Faculty launches Centre for Sustainability and Responsible Management

The launch formed part of a university-wide initiative, which saw the establishment of nine Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) centres this academic year. The centres will address major challenges faced by society and the world around us.

The CSRM is made up of academics from several departments in the Business School and the Law School. Research and Knowledge Exchange in the CSRM is based around three themes; Sustainable marketing, retailing and supply chain, Sustainable and responsible accounting, finance and economics, and Responsible management.

Stephen Drinkwater, Director of the CSRM, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, and Professor of Economics, said: “The Faculty is proud to launch the Centre, where there is already a considerable amount of research and knowledge exchange being undertaken by our members. The Centre’s website is now live and contains information on projects, events, news, members and our impact.”

The event included presentations from several research academics including Dr Mayra Ruiz Castro who presented research on Dual Earner Couples, Dr Michal Izak on Flexible Working within Organisations, and Prof Wantao Yu on Supply Chain Sustainability and Resilience.

There was also a panel discussion on sustainability in light of the COP26 Summit.

In addition to academic staff from the Faculty of Business and Law involved in research and/or knowledge exchange, PhD students are key members of the centre.