Law student to embark on legal internship in South Africa

  • Friday, March 9, 2018

Roehampton Law School student, Sophie Holmes, has secured a work placement in Cape Town, South Africa for her third year of the LLB Law degree.

Sophie’s internship is in human rights law where she will be working with the largest legal clinic in Cape Town tackling human rights issues. Sophie became interested in human rights law after taking a few modules about the topic where she studied real life cases.

Sophie said ‘I've wanted to be a lawyer for as long as I can remember. I have worked in South Africa previously and with the help of the Law careers advisor and tutors I was able to obtain this internship. Being at Roehampton and taking the career preparation module in my first year helped me to understand application processes and how to be successful&esquo;.

While on her course, Sophie has attended the Supreme Court to watch cases and has attended London Law Society legal career fairs.

On advice for students interested in studying law she said ‘Studying law can seem very overwhelming at first and from the Open Day I could tell the lecturers would go above and beyond to help us. If you are prepared to work hard and put the time in, you will do well’.

The law programme at the University of Roehampton has been designed to create highly trained graduates with the skills which employers value. Through lectures, seminars and debates the law students are encouraged to develop valuable critical thinking skills, useful as a lawyer or as transferable skills for many other professions in the modern workforce.