Roehampton Business School Empowers Local Entrepreneurs with Grant Writing Guide

  • Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Roehampton Business School, in collaboration with Lewisham Council and Anchored-in, hosted an informative event aimed at equipping local entrepreneurs with the necessary skills for successful grant applications. The event, which is expected to become a quarterly occurrence, covered all aspects of the grant application process from start to finish.

Image - Roehampton Business School Empowers Local Entrepreneurs with Grant Writing Guide

Entrepreneurs from the local community flocked to the event, eager to gain insights and knowledge on navigating the grant application journey. Many attendees praised the workshop for its informative nature and the confidence it instilled in them to tackle the grant application process successfully.

A number of individuals played pivotal roles in making the event a success. Anahita Mohammadi and Zahra Afshani, students from Roehampton University's MSc Digital Marketing and BSc Business Management and Marketing programs, diligently filmed, recorded, and produced the day's events. Their contributions were invaluable in capturing the essence of the workshop.