Roehampton Business School secures 10 student spaces on BAME Mentoring Programme

  • Thursday, February 11, 2021

10 Roehampton Business School students were successful in their application to the Roehampton BAME Mentoring programme and will be mentored by senior managers from some of the country's most high profile organisations.

The Roehampton BAME Mentoring Programme provides an opportunity for participants to develop personally and professionally within their chosen careers by meeting several specialist mentors over the course of a semester. Participants can receive in depth, personalised advice and can meet, interact and network with professionals across different industries and sectors. It serves to give participants consistent, detailed, individualised advice to help increase their confidence and personal ambitions.

The 10 successful Roehampton Business School students completed an application form and were interviewed for the limited places. The Mentors on the Programme are people who have significant status and have achieved success in their fields. The Programme sets out to secure a range of mentors who would each offer something different in their sessions.

Having a range of mentors, at different life stages, experiences and personalities help to demonstrate to students that leadership does not come in just one shape or style. This idea is also further reinforced in the sessions with each mentor.

More information about career support available at Roehampton can be found here.