Roehampton Law School celebrates graduation for Pathways to Law students

  • Wednesday, March 21, 2018

On 26 February, twenty-four Year 13 students graduated from University of Roehampton’s first Pathways to Law programme. Over the past two years students have learnt about the essential skills required in preparation for a career in law through engaging sessions run by lecturers from Roehampton’s law school.  

The students attended work placements at a top London law firm and participated in a four day residential conference at the University of Warwick. All the students who graduated from the programme have secured a place at university and the majority have chosen to study law.

The graduation event brought the Pathways to Law students and their parents together to celebrate their achievements with speeches from staff within the Schools and Colleges Engagement Team, Roehampton Law School and the students themselves. 

Mariam Davis, Pathways to Law student said ‘This programme has given me the confidence and motivation to pursue a career in law. The support I have received has made me realise I can succeed’.

On 23 March, an additional forty Year 11 students will graduate from the University’s Year 10-11 Pathways to Law programme.

Head of Roehampton Law School, Giles Proctor said ‘We are very proud of the students’ achievements on the Pathway to Law programme. Our focus on “law in practice” style activities offers students many opportunities to gain practical law experience, increase their knowledge of law, and meet with our current law students and supportive law academics’.

The University of Roehampton is a partner of the Sutton Trust’s Pathways to Law Programme. The programme aims to inspire and support students to explore a range of careers in law and build essential knowledge, skills and confidence required to go on to higher education and the world of work. All Pathways to Law students are also offered real-life experience, with a work placement, and mentoring and networking opportunities.

Roehampton Law School provides students with the skills they need to succeed, through teaching that focuses on how to practise the law and applying it to everyday life.