College membership

How do I know which College I will join?

When you join the Roehampton community, you will be assigned a College. If you choose to live on campus in your first year then you will automatically become a student of the College in which your accommodation is based. You will remain part of this College throughout your degree, even if you move off campus.

If you are living at home, or anywhere else not on our campus, when you start your studies, then the College you join will be determined by where the majority of your teaching takes place. Again, you will be a member of the College you join throughout your time at Roehampton no matter where you might live in later years.  

What does being a member of a College mean?

The best thing about being part of a College is that it gives you opportunities to get to know people and make friends outside of your course of study. So, even if you are living off-campus, the social events you are invited to will give you the chance to feel part of a close-knit community of students, from all kinds of backgrounds.

Our Colleges run student events throughout the year, including student-led parties, formal dinners, award ceremonies, exhibitions and much more. We have a range of inter-college competitions, including sports matches and the Roehampton College Cup.  Each of our Colleges has its own history and traditions, but all four are committed to making sure you will feel part of our community, grow in confidence and do well.