Froebel Archive for Childhood Studies

The Froebel Archive for Childhood Studies is a collection of books, archives, photographs, objects and multi-media materials, centering on Friedrich Froebel’s educational legacy, early years and elementary education. The Archive liaises closely with academic departments, supporting teaching and learning within and beyond the University.

It supports courses at BA and MA level as well as PhD research offered within the University which present a comparative view of early childhood philosophies.

The Froebel Archive for Childhood Studies was established in 1977 at Froebel College where it was located until 2006. Since its formation the Archive has grown considerably, both in its collection of material on Friedrich Froebel, in English and in German, and in its holdings relating to the history of Froebel College. The Archive also has a number of books on kindergartens in other countries.

Together with the archives of the National Froebel Foundation, now the Froebel Trust, which reaches back to its foundation in 1874 and which is housed alongside the Froebel Archive for Childhood Studies, these elements reflect the strands which make up the history of the Froebel movement in the UK.

A number of key publications from the Archive have been digitised for use by students and other interested readers and can be accessed here.

For more information please contact Archives or call 020 8392 3323.