Freedom of Information: Publication Scheme

1. Background

The Freedom of Information (FoI) Act 2000 requires every public authority to adopt and maintain a publication scheme which has been approved by the Information Commissioner and to publish information in accordance with the scheme.

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), which enforces and oversees the Data Protection Act, the Environmental Information Regulations, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations and the Freedom of Information Act, has introduced and approved a single model publication scheme that all public sector organisations should adopt from 1 January 2009.

Roehampton University has adopted the model publication scheme approved by the ICO.

2. What is a publication scheme?

A publication scheme describes the information a public authority publishes, or intends to publish. These descriptions are called 'classes of information'.

3. How to access the information

The published information is available on our website via the sitemap or the search box, which is available in the top right hand corner of every webpage, or on request.

4. Fees

Information supplied by the University via its website is provided free of charge, although your Internet Service Provider may charge you for access to the website.

Charges may apply to the provision of information in hard copy or electronic formats where the University incurs costs in providing that information. Such charges will be advised at the time of request.

5. Information not covered by the publication scheme

You have the right under the FoI Act to request any information held by a public authority which it has not already made available through its publication scheme (subject to exemptions). Further guidance is available here.

6. Feedback, comments and complaints

If you find it difficult to locate a particular document or if you have any suggestions or feedback please contact us.

If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our Publication Scheme, or the way we have handled your information request, in the first instance please contact the Deputy University Secretary on 020 8392 3103 or by email.

If you would like to make a make a formal complaint to the University, you have a right to complain in writing to:

University Secretary
Roehampton University
Grove House
Roehampton Lane
SW15 5PJ

If the University's complaints process does not produce a satisfactory resolution, you may complain direct to the Information Commissioner, who is responsible for enforcing the operation of the publication scheme, by writing to:

Information Commissioner (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.