Academic has grant success for work on carers

  • Monday, April 9, 2018

Reader in Education, Dr Marie-Pierre Moreau has received two grants for her work on carers in academia. 

The first grant was awarded by the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE). Dr Moreau received £10,000 to carry out her research project Care-free at the top? Exploring the experiences of senior academic staff who are caregivers, which is running until 31 January 2019.

This project will focus specifically on senior academics that have caring responsibilities, and their own experiences, with an additional focus on gender. The project will lead to the development of a set of guidelines to facilitate the inclusion, retention and progression of senior academics who are caregivers. Moreau said ‘I am delighted that my research will help to keep care on the agenda. My aim is to raise awareness of academics that are also carers, and of the potential struggles they can face in trying to reconcile the demands of caregiving and academia’.

The second grant success was from the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE). Dr Moreau will receive £4,000 to create a short compelling film, with the filmmaker Timur Bernard, raising awareness of the disproportionate effects of caring responsibilities on women’s careers, and to encourage the development of practices which have proved to be effective in this area.

The film will include interviews and present key facts, and will be disseminated widely to HE institutional leaders and managers to encourage take-up of beneficial policies and practices for academic carers.