Education student awarded £3000 for Hygge business concept

  • Tuesday, April 2, 2019

MA SEN, Disability and Inclusive Education student Jessica Dark has been selected as the winner of the 2019 UR Launch Pad entrepreneurship competition, held at the University of Roehampton in March.

Jessica has been awarded the £3000 prize for her business idea Hygge Me, an online support hub for adults with neurodiverse conditions. The hub will sell sensory regulation kits and promote strategies for contentment and wellbeing through the Danish concept of 'Hygge'. 

The competition, which is funded by Santander Universities requires applicants to submit a video pitch and business canvas before presenting their idea to a panel of judges. Finalists of the competition are then able to receive mentoring and business financial advice from Santander. 

Jessica said, “I am truly honoured to be selected as the 2019 winner for the business concept Hygge Me, a sensory support hub that provides sensory and anxiety product kits for adults. Due to my own differences in sensory processing I was apprehensive about applying for this process, yet on reflection I did not need to have these concerns. The talks and workshops have given me a brilliant insight into how to prepare for a business launch, the marketing processes and how to risk minimisation. Through completing the various steps of the Launch Pad competition I was able to turn my business idea into a fully registered limited company. I would recommend anyone who is considering Launch Pad to give it a try; the learning is invaluable and the process will help transform your ideas to reality”. 

The results were announced during a Young Chamber of Commerce event hosted by the University and the Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce on 21 March. Business students Matthew Hinds and Mohammed Salad, Dance Anthropology student Penelope Jungreis and Business alumna Maria Chiara Franco each received a £1000 price for being runner up finalists.   

Find out more about Jessica Dark’s Hygge Me here.