Roehampton hosts City of Tomorrow event

  • Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Over 200 Year 6 and 7 pupils from eight local schools worked alongside Roehampton trainee teachers to construct a physical version of an innovative, smart and safe city using recyclable and sustainable materials.

Image - Roehampton hosts City of Tomorrow event

The students were divided into teams to construct individual buildings such as hospitals, schools and residential areas. They then combined their efforts to form a futuristic, sprawling ‘metropolis’. The event, which ran in collaboration with the University of Roehampton’s School of Education as part of the TeenTech initiative, offered pupils the unique opportunity to apply their knowledge of science, technology, engineering and maths and highlight possible career pathways in these sectors.

The University of Roehampton’s secondary teacher trainees, secondary subject tutors and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) ambassadors were involved in the event and worked with the pupils throughout the day as part of the University’s Professional Studies programme.

Education Subject Leader for Design and Technology, Ruth Seabrook said “This allowed teacher trainees to gain valuable insight into how to support year 7 pupils transitioning from primary to secondary school, which was also a focus of the initiative, while exploring STEM subjects and building their confidence”.

Also in attendance was popular TV science presenter Maggie Philbin, who presented pupils with awards in areas such as best health and wellbeing space and most eco-friendly building. The top three buildings received a special trophy and prize for being the ‘kindest’, ‘safest’ and ‘smartest’ buildings of the future.