TECHNE AHRC Studentships

TECHNE AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership


The University of Roehampton is pleased to be a member of technē, a consortium of nine institutions in London and the South-East that form an AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP).

technē is comprised of nine academic partner institutions: Royal Holloway University of London (co-ordinator), University of Roehampton, Brighton University, Kingston University, University of Surrey, University of the Arts London, University of Westminster, Brunel University and Loughborough University, London; and fifteen cultural partner organisations. Please visit technē to find out more about the aims and opportunities of the consortium.

Applications for 2024/25 are now invited.

Eligible PhD subject areas

Studentships – What we Offer

technē offers a rich and diverse training programme for doctoral students with a focus on interdisciplinarity and developing career potential both in and beyond higher education. Studentships are awarded by technē to the best students put forward by its member universities. The technē training programme is enhanced by input and placement opportunities provided by technē’s fifteen partner organisations in the cultural sector. As part of its commitment to supporting knowledge exchange and professional development between its member universities and partner institutions, 20% of technē students will pursue collaborative doctoral programmes.

Support and eligibility

technē’s vision is to produce scholars who are highly motivated and prepared for academic, public or professional life. Students will benefit from a diversity of training opportunities and be able to draw on supervisory expertise from across the Consortium. The name ‘technē’ in reference to the Greek term for craft – it will create a new model for collaborative research skills training for PhD students. As a member of technē, University of Roehampton UK, EU* and international* applicants for PhD study (and some current PhD students)** in the Arts and Humanities are eligible to apply for AHRC studentships. Maintenance and fee rates for 2023/24 are £20,622 for maintenance and the relevant yearly fees (three years full-time or part-time equivalent for five years). Roehampton is pleased to offer a fee-waiver to successful international applicants to cover the difference between ‘home’ and international fees. Fee and stipend levels for 2024/25 have not yet been confirmed.

* techne is open to both ‘home’, EU and international students. Please see below link to the UKRI statement on eligibility here:

** current PhD students are eligible to apply for technē AHRC studentships if they have at least 50% of the funded period of an AHRC award (usually 18 months) remaining at the time they start their scholarship.

Application Process

Those interested in applying for a technē studentship should, in the first instance, contact the relevant Research Degrees Convener to talk informally about your proposed research, what supervision is available, and your eligibility for technē.

Research Degree Conveners:

Arts: Dance; Drama, Theatre & Performance; Media, Culture and Languages

Professor Alexandra Kolb

Education (for Music Education)

Professor Lorella Terzi

English & Creative Writing

Dr Lisa Sainsbury

Humanities (History, Classics, Philosophy and Theology)

Why study a PhD in humanities at Roehampton?

Dr Ashley Cocksworth

Life Sciences (for conservation, development, ethnography and anthropology)

Professor Lewis Halsey

Social Sciences (for Law)        

Annie Chen 

You are required to have made contact with the relevant School to express your interest by 11th December 2023.


Prospective or eligible current doctoral students who would like to apply for a technē AHRC studentship at Roehampton must do so via the technē AHRC online application system, flexi grant. Roehampton will be notified of your application automatically via flexi-grant. You will also need to complete the Roehampton online application.

Your application will then go through a two-stage process:

  1. The University of Roehampton will review your application and consider whether to offer you a place to study at Roehampton. At the same time, Roehampton will consider whether to progress your application through the technē selection process.
  2. If it is considered that your application should be progressed to the next stage of the technē competition, an internal panel will review your application and consider whether to nominate your application to the external review stage of the process. If it is progressed to the external review phase, technē member subject specialists will review your application and decide whether you should be awarded funding.

Your Roehampton application must be submitted by midnight 15th January 2024 through our online portal and on flexi-grant.

Interviews will take place during January for applicants who are intending to apply for a technē studentship. Candidates who are nominated to the next stage of the competition will discuss and refine their proposed technē application. It is essential that you read through the Guidance Notes.

Those who have been successfully interviewed and asked to continue in the competition must finalise (but not submit) their technē application through flexi-grant by 17:00 (GMT) 22nd February 2024

Please do not press ‘confirm’ on your flexi-grant application until it is confirmed that you have been nominated to go through to the external review phase. Just ensure that the relevant sections are green to show that they are completed.

technē guidance notes (found on the techne website)


You will be advised whether your application is going forward to technē’s Final Selection Panel in the middle of March 2024. Studentship awards are likely to be made by end April 2024.


PhD study at Roehampton:
technē scholarships at Roehampton: