Ian Peate joins Nursing Education team

  • Monday, November 22, 2021

Ian Peate joins the Nursing Education team at Roehampton as a Senior Lecturer in Nursing at Croydon University Centre, bringing years of experience in both nursing and academia.

Image - Ian Peate joins Nursing Education team

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At the beginning of his nursing career, Ian worked as an Enrolled Nurse in a neurological intensive care unit, as a Staff Nurse in central London Gastroenterology ward, and as a charge nurse on day and night duty. He then moved into academia and has been teaching nurses since 1989.  

Prior to joining Roehampton, he had spent eight years working in the School of Health Studies in Gibraltar where he held the position of Principal of the School. During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in Gibraltar he was appointed to the role of Silver Deputy Commander, working with clinicians, the military and civilians as key player in the roll out of the hugely successful Gibraltar vaccination programme – which was for Ian a return to frontline nursing. 

Ian also brings with him a wealth of publishing experience. His first published work in 1989 focused on the attitudes of nurses caring for people with AIDS. In 2003 Ian went on to publish his first full text entitled Men’s Sexual Health, which is when his interest in the health and care of men and boys began. He has now published 48 health and care related texts for a wide range of students and clinicians, for both national and international audiences.  

Ian is also the Editor in Chief for the British Journal of Nursing, founding Consultant Editor for the Journal of the Paramedic Practice, and sits on editorial boards for the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants and, Independent Nurse.  

In 2016 Ian was awarded an OBE, and granted a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing, both for his services to the nursing profession and nurse education. 

Ian is excited by the impact the Nursing Education team at Roehampton is already having within the field, particularly with its focus on primary care. On joining the University he said, “patient care does not stand still, being a part of the developments at Roehampton means being a part of the new generation of health and social care providers. 

He added that, as a nurse it is a privilege to be a part of people’s lives, often when they are at their most vulnerable. “I have the best job in the world. I am fiercely proud of my profession and the difference that nurses truly do make. Being part of a nurse’s learning and their career trajectory – totally awesome. We make the difference between life and death, we are researchers and educators providing better, safer and more effective care. We work in fast paced teams with people who are receiving cutting edge treatment and evidence-based care. We make a massive difference between a person dying in agony and dying in comfort and with dignity.” 

For anyone considering nursing as a profession, he stated “Go for it! When you have decided on nursing as your profession the world is your oyster - UK educated nurses are respected globally. You will have the privilege (and it really is a privilege) of caring for a range of people from all walks of life. It is hard work but absolutely worth it, no two days are ever the same.” 

The University of Roehampton offers an MSci in Adult and Mental Health Nursing, a BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing and a BSc (Hons) in Adult Nursing which we deliver at our main campus and at Croydon University Centre.