Roehampton bus for NHS workers

  • Thursday, April 2, 2020

The University has provided its shuttle bus (the 849) available free-of-charge to all NHS staff travelling to and from Queen Mary's Hospital on Roehampton Lane.

Image - Roehampton bus for NHS workers

To support key workers travelling to and from work, the University made the decision on 24 March to provide the service, which is normally provided free to Roehampton students and staff, available for free to NHS staff. It will remain so until its contract for this year expires, on 4 April.

This is among a number of initiatives the University is undertaking to support the NHS, including offering surplus conferencing rooms in Elm Grove to NHS workers in Queen Mary's Hospital to use between their shifts. The University has also offered its laboratories, lab equipment and car parking. At the same time, Roeahmpton esports facilities are part of a global computing project to help in the fight against coronavirus.