PGCE Secondary: Religious Education specialism

You will be trained to teach pupils aged 11-16 with enhancements to teach pupils studying for A levels.

PGCE RE is designed to be an innovative and dynamic introduction to the rich variety of possibilities for teaching in schools today. The programme has an active approach to learning. You are encouraged to develop your knowledge and understanding of the major religious traditions, other religious traditions and contemporary secular philosophies. Teaching is by specialists from the traditions but a central feature of the programme is the use of visits to faith communities. We have good relations with communities representing the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh faiths. London is, of course, particularly rich in its religious and cultural diversity. You will also be expected to look critically at the difficult philosophical issues raised by religion and to develop your thinking about the place and significance of religion today. Thus there is a strong emphasis not only on what we can learn about religions, but what we can learn from religion, even if we do not share a particular religious world view. In schools, this will mean examining practical strategies for enabling religion to contribute to pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

Teaching is possible within an excellent range of schools with which we work in partnership to ensure successful teaching practice. All mentors in schools are experienced and there are opportunities to work within a variety of cultural and geographical environments. We have strong links with faith community schools including those within the Anglican and Roman Catholic traditions, as well as a range of other state schools and some independent schools. 

Entry requirements
Applicants will be expected to have a degree in religious studies or affiliated subjects with a strong theological or philosophical dimension, such as philosophy or anthropology. At interview, candidates will be asked to think about the contemporary relevance of religious education and, on the basis of this, to construct an engaging argument for its place within the curriculum.

Further information
If you have specific questions about the programme or your suitability for it, please email the subject leader, Ruth Seabrook. For general information please contact the Enquiries Office on 020 8392 3232.