Dramatherapy Introduction Course

Short Courses and CPD School of Psychology
Dramatherapy Introduction Course
Entry Tariff



Places are awarded on a "first paid first serve" basis due to demand


On campus

Start date

1 Day

Course Details


Dramatherapists work in a variety of settings including mental health, training centres, education, prison and probation, childcare and private practice.

This workshop is an exploration of the ritual theatre model of Dramatherapy.  Working from a humanistic experiential approach to the day this workshop will include work with theatre skills, creativity, imagination and personal expression.

Intended Audience

This course is open to all those interested in finding out about Dramatherapy.

Dramatherapists work in a variety of settings including psychiatric hospitals, social services departments, special education, prisons and the voluntary sector.

Outcomes/What you will learn

Participants will gain an insight into Dramatherapy and its therapeutic application.

An electronic certificate of attendance will be e-mailed on completion of the course.

Suggested Reading

Bettelheim, B. (1991) The uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales, London: Penguin Books

Boal, A. (1992) Games For Actors and Non Actors, London: Routledge

Boal, A. (1995) The Rainbow of Desire, London: Routledge

Brook, P. (1990) The Empty Space, London: Penguin

Emunah, R. (1994) Acting For Real: Drama Therapy, Process, Technique and Performance, New York: Brunner-Routledge

Gersie, A & N. King. (1990) Story-making in Education and Therapy, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd

Grotowski, J. (1991) Towards a Poor Theatre, London: Methuen Publishing Ltd

Jennings, S, A. Catternach, S. Mitchell, A. Chesner and B. Meldrum, (eds.) (1994) The Handbook of Dramatherapy, London: Routledge

Jones, P. (2007) Drama as Therapy: Theory, Practice and Research, London: Routledge

Lahad, M. (1992) 'Story-making in assessment method for coping with stress' in Jennings, S. (ed.) Dramatherapy Theory and Practice 2, London: Routledge

Mitchell, S. (1999) 'Reflections on Dramatherapy as Initiation through Ritual Theatre' in Cattanach, A. (Ed.) Arts Therapy Process, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Schrader, C. (2012) Ritual Theatre: The Power of Dramatic Ritual in Personal Development, Groups and Clinical Practice, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd

Yalom, I. (1989) Love's Executioner, London: Bloomsbury



Date: 6th April 2024

Time: 10am - 4.30pm