Froebel Certificate in Early Childhood

Short Courses and CPD School of Education
Froebel Certificate in Early Childhood

The course is designed to introduce you to the pedagogy of German pioneer Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852), who invented the kindergarten in 1840 and advocated 'learning through play' through child-led activities.

The course is offered at two levels to meet the needs of participants with a range of backgrounds and experience.

1. Froebel Professional Practice Certificate (level 4) in Early Childhood

2. Froebel Professional Development Certificate (level 6) in Early Childhood

Level 4 is open to all those with relevant experience (two years or equivalent) of work with young children in any setting.

Level 6 is open to all those with relevant experience (two years or equivalent) of work with young children in any setting and prior study, normally at level 5 or above.

If you are interested in the course but do not have experience in an early years setting please contact us to discuss which level would be best for you.

If you have further queries about the course, please contact the course convenor Dr Fengling Tang: and

How you'll learn

The course tutors include members of teaching staff from Early Childhood Studies courses within The School of Education, Froebel College, University of Roehampton.

The course starts at the end of October 2022 and finishes in July 2023 when final course work is submitted. The 2021-2022 course indicative dates are below. Please note that these dates are provisional and may be subject to change.

Attendance is key to successful completion of the course. For students living at a distance from London, tutorials can be arranged via virtual meetings and it is possible that visits to local settings can be organised. There will also be opportunities for students to participate in research seminars and Froebel Network events over the course.

The Froebel Professional Practice Certificate in Early Childhood (Level 4) includes the following module: EDS030C927Y - Froebelian Principles and Practice (1) 

The Froebel Professional Development Certificate in Early Childhood (Level 6) includes the following module: EDS030X928Y Froebelian Principles and Practice (3)

Particular strands of the course focus on:

  • Froebel's life, ideas and their influence on contemporary policy and practice
  • Environments for learning including indoors, outdoors and Forest School approaches
  • Play and its role in children's lives and learning
  • Extending young children's critical and creative thinking
  • Froebel's gifts, occupations and blockplay today
  • Froebel's mother songs, movement, rhyme and music in early years practice today
  • Imagination and creativity and their place in young children's learning
  • Partnership with parents and the wider community

How you'll be assessed

Throughout the course you will keep a journal reflecting on the course content and course reading in relation to your own ideas and practice. You will also work on a project to develop an aspect of your own practice in relation to course themes which will be shared with others in a presentation at the end of the course.

The course is assessed through two components below:

An individual presentation (15 minutes)

A reflective diary of 3,000 words

Course Details

The course fee for the academic year 2023-2024 is £1,180. The courses are provided in partnership with the Froebel Trust

Froebel Trust provides bursaries to help with tuition fees. Successful applicants will be awarded £550 and only need to pay the remaining £630.

Intended Audience

The course is aimed at all those working with young children from birth to six years old, who wish to deepen their understanding of a Froebelian approach and to use this to reflect on and develop their practice.

The course is offered at two levels to meet the needs of participants with a range of backgrounds and experience. We have had participants from the UK and abroad with various job titles such as:

  • Preschool Baby Room Leader/Manager
  • Infant School Teaching Assistant
  • Kindergarten Teacher
  • Nursery School Room Leader
  • Deputy Head/Head of nursery
  • Children Centre Assistant head/Headteacher
  • Early years practitioner
  • Primary School teacher assistant
  • EYFS Lead
  • Reception Teacher
  • Special Needs Assistant


Autumn term taught sessions 2023

 18:00-21:00 Wednesday 4 October 2023
 10:00-17:00 Saturday 28 October 2023
 10:00-17:00 Saturday 18 November 2023

Spring/summer term taught sessions 2024

 10:00-17:00 Saturday 20 January 2024
 14:00-17:00 Wednesday 7 February 2024
 14:00-17:00 Wednesday 8 May 2024

Course visits to Froebelian early years settings autumn 2023 and spring/summer 2024

December 2023 (TBC)
February/March 2024 (TBC)
March 2024 (TBC)
April 2024 (TBC)

Assessment deadlines

Individual presentations: 10:00-17:00 Saturday 25 May 2024

Reflective diary submission: Wednesday 17 July 2024

How do I apply

Please download an application form here. The completed form should be sent to the Programme Administrator via email:

What do our graduates say?

"These days together at Roehampton are so very valuable. All very thought provoking and enlightening."

"Even after completing an MA in ECS I still found that I learnt, understood, reflected, questioned and experienced a lot during this course."

"The course was really beneficial to me. In a job interview that I went to recently I used the course as one of my selling points and the interviewer said that they know Roehampton University and they appreciate it."

"The course looks at key principles underpinning a Froebelian approach today and what these might look like in practice. It aims to help you reflect on your own practice and to develop and justify an informed approach to pedagogy in the early years."


£1,180. Courses are provided in partnership with the Froebel Trust

See more under 'Bursary'




October 2023 - July 2024


Hybrid Teaching

Date : October 2023