Music Therapy Foundation Course

Short Courses and CPD School of Psychology
Music Therapy Foundation Course

Course Details


The course will provide an overview of music therapy practice in the UK and follow the psychodynamic model as taught on the Roehampton University MA training.

A programme of experiential workshops will be led by the course facilitator. One full-day Induction (Saturday) and introductory workshop to begin the course to be held until October 2022 with weekly evening classes to follow; finishing with a full Plenary Day to close in March 2023. 

Participants will be encouraged to keep a personal diary of the course, with particular emphasis on their psychological process in and via the experiential sessions.

Reading will be suggested, whilst hand-out essential reading will be provided that anticipates the following week’s seminar topic.

Course Structure

Classes will comprise interactive seminars on various aspects of practice and theory (1 – 1&1/4 hours), including video material, followed by workshop/experiential sessions.

The workshop segment will introduce the elements of clinical improvisation, whilst the experiential portion will provide a direct experience of group music therapy, the balance between these two elements shifting to the experiential as the course progresses.

Outcomes/What you will learn

You will need to complete 70% of the course and the assessment process in order to receive an electronic attendance certificate.

Please note that completion of the Music Therapy Foundation course does not guarantee a place on the MA Music Therapy programme at Roehampton University.





Opening Day
Introduction to the course

21 October


Personal introductions and overview of the course. An initial look at some definitions of music therapy with some video illustrations of music therapists’ range of work.

Introduction of BOUNDARIES and the idea of a journey
Introducing the idea of PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT


Experiential improvisations to explore these topics

Workshop 1 – 3
Getting to know each other

25 October

7pm - 9pm

Developing the therapist
1. Personal qualities imagination, intuition, intellect
Self-reflective stance
Observation and listening skills
Introducing the Reflective journal

1 November

7pm - 9pm

2. The subjective experience of sound, silence and music. Meaning and self-expression in music, with an emphasis on improvisation and free play.

8 November

7pm - 9pm

Developing the musician
The therapist’s toolkit. How we use our own music in our work.

3. Creative use of percussion drawing on musical elements, timbre, texture, etc.
Composing for groups
Improvisation and 'attuning'
Analysing music metaphorically

Workshop 4 – 9
Key concepts: building relationships, using ourselves, developing trust

Introducing the theoretical basis of psychodynamic music therapy

15 November

7pm - 9pm

4. The unconscious

22 November

7pm - 9pm

5. Secure base, (Bowlby)

29 November

7pm - 9pm

6. Reflections on the mother- infant model Communicating without words – further exploration of the first relationship (Bion) Affect Attunement (Stern)

6 December   

7pm - 9pm

7. Words, music and free play(Winnicott)

13 December

7pm - 9pm

8. Containment.

10 January

7pm - 9pm

9. Transference and Counter-transference

Workshop 10 – 18
Client groups, Clinical settings and Group Work

17 January

7pm - 9pm

10. Learning Disabilities. The significance of Secondary Impairment.

24 January

7pm - 9pm

11. Working with children with LD

31st January

7pm - 9pm

12. Working with Adults with LD

7 February

7pm - 9pm

13. Autism across the age groups.

14 February

7pm - 9pm

14. Mental health in adolescents

21 February

7pm - 9pm

15. Mental Health in adults

28 February

7pm - 9pm

16. Related Clinical Fields: Palliative Care, Head Injury etc.

6 March

7pm - 9pm

17. Principles of Groupwork

16 March

7pm - 9pm

18. Groups in different settings

Closing Day
Endings – saying goodbye

18 March


Revisiting development of the therapist
The role of personal development in the life of a therapist: personal therapy, supervision, CPD and self-help. The professional/personal selves of the music therapist.

Taking Risks, New Directions
Reflections from personal journals.

Looking Ahead
Overview of the trainings in the UK: theoretical differences.
Preparing an application for MA

Summing Up
Group work Pieces /Performances
An opportunity for final questions and discussion
Feedback & Reflections


This timetable is provisional - dates and times may be subject to change.




Opening Day
Introduction to the course

21 October


Personal introductions and overview of the course. An initial look at some definitions of music therapy with some video illustrations of music therapists’ range of work.

Introduction of BOUNDARIES and the idea of a journey
Introducing the idea of PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT


Experiential improvisations to explore these topics

Workshop 1 – 3
Getting to know each other

25 October

7pm - 9pm

Developing the therapist
1. Personal qualities imagination, intuition, intellect
Self-reflective stance
Observation and listening skills
Introducing the Reflective journal

1 November

7pm - 9pm

2. The subjective experience of sound, silence and music. Meaning and self-expression in music, with an emphasis on improvisation and free play.

8 November

7pm - 9pm

Developing the musician
The therapist’s toolkit. How we use our own music in our work.

3. Creative use of percussion drawing on musical elements, timbre, texture, etc.
Composing for groups
Improvisation and 'attuning'
Analysing music metaphorically

Workshop 4 – 9
Key concepts: building relationships, using ourselves, developing trust

Introducing the theoretical basis of psychodynamic music therapy

15 November

7pm - 9pm

4. The unconscious

22 November

7pm - 9pm

5. Secure base, (Bowlby)

29 November

7pm - 9pm

6. Reflections on the mother- infant model Communicating without words – further exploration of the first relationship (Bion) Affect Attunement (Stern)

6 December   

7pm - 9pm

7. Words, music and free play(Winnicott)

13 December

7pm - 9pm

8. Containment.

10 January

7pm - 9pm

9. Transference and Counter-transference

Workshop 10 – 18
Client groups, Clinical settings and Group Work

17 January

7pm - 9pm

10. Learning Disabilities. The significance of Secondary Impairment.

24 January

7pm - 9pm

11. Working with children with LD

31 January

7pm - 9pm

12. Working with Adults with LD

7 February

7pm - 9pm

13. Autism across the age groups.

14 February

7pm - 9pm

14. Mental health in adolescents

21 February

7pm - 9pm

15. Mental Health in adults

28 February

7pm - 9pm

16. Related Clinical Fields: Palliative Care, Head Injury etc.

6 March

7pm - 9pm

17. Principles of Groupwork

16 March

7pm - 9pm

18. Groups in different settings

Closing Day
Endings – saying goodbye

18 March


Revisiting development of the therapist
The role of personal development in the life of a therapist: personal therapy, supervision, CPD and self-help. The professional/personal selves of the music therapist.

Taking Risks, New Directions
Reflections from personal journals.

Looking Ahead
Overview of the trainings in the UK: theoretical differences.
Preparing an application for MA

Summing Up
Group work Pieces /Performances
An opportunity for final questions and discussion
Feedback & Reflections

Suggested Reading

The suggested reading list is available here.



Application Deadline

6 October 2023, 1pm


Places are awarded on a "first paid first serve" basis due to demand


Online or on Campus


20 Weeks

(18 x two hour Wednesday evening classes plus two Saturdays)


Online Teaching

Date: 21/10/2023 > 23/03/2024

On Campus Teaching

Date: 21/10/2023 > 23/03/2024