Play Therapy Summer School

Short Courses and CPD
Play Therapy Summer School
Entry Tariff



Places are awarded on a "first paid first serve" basis due to demand


Online or On Campus

Start date

5 Days

Course Details


Our Summer School this year provides participants with the opportunity to experience an intensive 5 session experiential class, and involves direct experiential learning about the MA Play Therapy Programme at the University of Roehampton.

Course Structure

The Play Therapy summer school is designed to offer individuals the opportunity to learn and experience some of the theory and practical  of Client-Centred Play Therapy.

Participants who attend will be able to use their learning to enhance both their understanding of children’s emotional and behavioural development and their skills in working with children who experience difficulties. 

The summer school is mainly workshop-based as we aim to learn through practice and experience -
participants are asked to come prepared to play! A variety of areas will be explored, including Client-Centred Theory and how this can be applied to Play, understanding and using ‘Symbolic’ play, and the use of different media when working with children, including sand-play, art, drama etc.

As well as being of interest to those seeking to prepare to apply for a qualifying Play Therapy training, this Summer School can also serve as CPD to anyone already professionally involved in working with children including those working in Education, Social-Work and Child Psychotherapy and Counselling.

Intended Audience

 It is therefore of interest to anyone wishing to find out more about training in this discipline as well as individuals wanting to explore their creativity in a unique environment.

In addition this Summer School may be of interest to mental health professionals, teachers and social workers etc. interested in learning more about these unique and creative forms of therapy. A degree of active participation will be expected from all participants who should therefore be prepared for a degree of personal disclosure, sharing and exploration.

On Campus Timetable

10am - 4pm 
The importance of play;what is play therapy? Development of child focused play therapy, key theories and core therapeutic conditions; reasons of referral to play therapy; brief overview of child mental health;conditions of worth; functions of emotions
Building connections-the art of being playful;being playful;non-verbal skills;therapeutic limit-setting
Introduction to developmental model of play therapy beginning with embodiment; connecting with our senses and exploring sensory play;the playroom and toys.
Developmental model of play therapy continued; projection (including sandtray therapy) and role play
Use of stories;putting it all together;working with different client groups;working with parents/the wider system;identity in context; endings

Online Timetable

10am - 4pm 
The importance of play;what is play therapy? Development of child focused play therapy, key theories and core therapeutic conditions; reasons of referral to play therapy; brief overview of child mental health;conditions of worth; functions of emotions
Building connections-the art of being playful;being playful;non-verbal skills;therapeutic limit-setting
Introduction to developmental model of play therapy beginning with embodiment; connecting with our senses and exploring sensory play;the playroom and toys.
Developmental model of play therapy continued; projection (including sandtray therapy) and role play
Use of stories;putting it all together;working with different client groups;working with parents/the wider system;identity in context; endings

Suggested Reading

Please click here for the recommended reading list.


On Campus Teaching

Date: 24/07/2023 - 28/07/2023

Online Teaching

Date: 24/07/2023 - 28/07/2023