'Bounce back for success' Psychotherapist Abigail Eaton-Masters advises students

  • Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Third year Psychology students heard how to bounce back after facing adversity from Roehampton alumna and psychotherapist, Abigail Eaton-Masters this week in the Department of Psychology . Abigail, who has undertaken significant research into resilience, explained to students how failure can be a driving force for turning their dreams into a reality and for making a positive impact after graduation.

Image - 'Bounce back for success' Psychotherapist Abigail Eaton-Masters advises students

In a workshop, Abigail asked students to share past life challenges and consider how they overcame obstacles to build up a picture of what resilience looks like.

On pursuing goals in the face of challenges, Abigail told students ‘The first step is to take charge of your story. Bad things happen in our lives, but that doesn’t need to define you. By doing this, it can help you to ask for things that you need to achieve your goals. It is important to say yes to opportunities, even when you are fearful and do not think you are capable. You can use fear as a motivator to creating success for yourself.’

Diane Bray, Head of the Psychology department said ‘It is important that our students leave us with the confidence to pursue their own goals and create their own success. Abigail’s perspectives on positive psychology add another dimension to our students’ learning in readiness for their lives after graduation.’

Abigail Eaton-Masters graduated from University of Roehampton in 2009 and is a BACP registered psychotherapist and media psychologist. She writes for the Huffington Post, has appeared in Psychologies magazine and maintains a private practice. She has interviewed thousands of people who have stories about overcoming life’s greatest obstacles and challenges and founded ‘Bounceology’, a theory of how to triumph in the face of adversity and bounce back in life.

The Department of Psychology at Roehampton offers undergraduate course in Psychology, Psychology and Counselling, and Therapeutic Psychology. In the Research Excellence Framework 2014, the leading national assessment of quality, 100% of the research we submitted was rated “world leading” or “internationally excellent” for its impact.

Listen to Abigail's advice on pursuing your goals.