Dr James Davies features on BBC’s Panorama "The Antidepressant Story."

  • Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Dr James Davies, Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Roehampton London, featured on BBC’s Panorama episode titled “The Antidepressant Story”. Dr James Davies has been researching the connection between antidepressant drugs, specifically Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), and mental health issues for many years. The episode delved into the hidden concerns surrounding SSRI antidepressant medications, and shed light on the experiences of patients who have faced serious side and withdrawal effects while struggling to have their voices heard.

Image - Dr James Davies features on BBC’s Panorama "The Antidepressant Story."

During the investigation, it was revealed that a major drug company attempted to conceal the potential withdrawal effects of one antidepressant nearly three decades ago. SSRIs, introduced in the late 1980s, were considered to have fewer adverse effects than previous antidepressant medications. However, and as Panorama illuminated, clinical experience has subsequently taught us that a large percentage of patients will experience adverse effects, including severe withdrawal depression, anxiety, and sexual dysfunction (PSSD), which they were not warned about. The updated NHS guidance, based on the work of Dr Davies and colleagues, now acknowledges that withdrawal can be severe and prolonged for some individuals, lasting several months. The long-term use and withdrawal effects of antidepressants continue to be subjects of debate, highlighting the necessity for further comprehensive studies.

"Given we now know that a significant proportion of patients will experience severe and protracted withdrawal, we believe the NHS has a clinical & moral obligation to help those who've been harmed by taking their medication as prescribed. We therefore call upon the UK government to fund & implement withdrawal support services to help those adversely effected" said Dr James Davies.

Dr James Davies' appearance on Panorama underscores the importance of ongoing research and investigation into antidepressants and their effects. By shedding light on this pressing issue, he has opened up avenues for discussion and the need for changes in the field of mental health treatment.

For further information, you can watch the episode on iPlayer at the following link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001n39z