Emergency Summit: Psychotherapy & Counselling’s Contribution to Global Peace, Justice, and Wellbeing

  • Thursday, March 17, 2022

Following Russia’s devastating invasion of Ukraine, leading global figures from the fields of mental health and psychotherapy will come together for a full-day, virtual Emergency Summit on Saturday 26 March to explore how therapy can promote global peace and justice and raise money for the UN Crisis Relief appeal to support the people of Ukraine.

Image - Emergency Summit: Psychotherapy & Counselling’s Contribution to Global Peace, Justice, and Wellbeing

The event will feature internationally acclaimed theorists, researchers, and clinicians to discuss their potential role in creating a more just and peaceful world: one in which all members of the global community have the opportunity to live full and satisfying lives.   

The interactive event will cover both the practical and theoretical elements such as working with war traumatised clients and challenging racism, to exploring the links between therapeutic ideas and conflict resolution practices. It will pose questions including: how do we balance unconditional acceptance with the condemnations of oppressive acts? How do we care for others in ways that do not lead to compassion fatigue? And, how can we respond to the Ukrainian crisis in a way that also recognises the violence and oppression in many other regions around the world?   

 Among the main speakers who will be leading the conversation are:   

  • Mick Cooper – Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Roehampton  
  • Emmy van Deurzen – Professor of Psychology and Psychotherapy  
  • Windy Dryden - Emeritus Professor of Psychotherapeutic Studies at Goldsmiths University of London  
  • John McLeod - Professor Emeritus of Counselling at the University of Abertay Dundee  
  • Jaakko Seikkula - Professor of Psychotherapy at the University of Jyvaskyla  
  • Ernesto Spinelli – Professor and Fellow of the British Psychological Society  
  • Dr Dwight Turner - Senior Lecturer at the University of Brighton  

The event will run from 09:30 to 18:30 GMT on Saturday 26 March. The event has a self-select fee guide donation (guide of £20), with all profits to be donated to the UN Crisis Relief appeal to support the people of Ukraine.  

Further details on the Emergency Summit can be found here 

This event is a collaboration with the University of Roehampton and Onlinevents CPD.