Research and Knowledge Exchange Centres

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The Centre for Practical Philosophy, Theology and Religion is committed to working with societies to understand the importance of Philosophy, Theology and Religion as well as driving forward research at the intersections of faith, religious practice, andrace.

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The Centre for Research in Psychological Wellbeing works to improve our understanding of factors that influencehealth, mental health, andwellbeing. 

The Centre for Integrated Research in Life and Health Sciences promotes the key factors that support healthy living and tackle health inequalities 

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The Centre for Equality, Justice and Social Change explores and promotes social justice in relation to inequalities, prejudice and social trends in diversesocieties. 

The Centre for Research in Arts and Creative Exchange promotes the value of creativity and the arts by providing aspace of inquiry, practice and collaboration toadvance social and politicalchange. 

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The Research Centre for Literature and Inclusion brings literary, creative, and practice-based approaches to questionsof equitable cultural representation, access, and inclusion while also working with communities and organisations across the heritage, cultural, education and charitable sectors to bring about change. 

The Research Centre in History and Classics will use insights from the modern to ancient past to inform public understanding and help address challenges facing society in the present. 

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The Centre for Sustainability and Responsible Management will build interdisciplinary approaches to sustainability and CSR issues that help to build sustainable organisations and enterprises that are effective, ethical and promote equity. 

The Centre for Learning, Teaching and Human Development will enhance educational outcomes associated with effective lifelong learningthatleadto creative, inclusive and healthier societies, incollaboration with educators andpolicymakers. 

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