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Roehampton wins UK-Italian funding for research into inequalities

  • Sunday, July 10, 2022
Image - Roehampton wins UK-Italian funding for research into inequalities

melissa jogie jpeg.JPGThe University of Roehampton has secured funding for three research projects co-funded by The British Academy and the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, to examine comparative projects in the UK and Italy focusing on the theme of inequality.

Dr Melissa Jogie (pictured) is an Early Career Researcher from Roehampton's Centre for Learning, Teaching and Human Development, and is leading on one project while contributing to the core investigative team for two others. Details of each project are:

  1. The Long Cry of COVID-19: Investigating how child bereavement policies address inequalities caused by grief in Italian and British primary schools (Principal Investigator Dr Melissa Jogie University of Roehampton | Co-Investigators Dr Valentina Pagani, University of Milano Bicocca | Co-Investigator Dr Mariele Macaluso, University of Bologna.
  2. Encounters for Justice: A comparative study of how journalists mediate stories of domestic abuse and gender-based violence (Principal Investigator Dr Jane Freeland, German Historical Institute of London | Co-Investigator Dr Melissa Jogie, University of Roehampton | Co- Investigator Dr Alice Baroni, Univeristy of Padova.
  3. Plugging future teachers into technology as a way of addressing education inequalities (Principal Investigator Dr Vander Viana, University of East Anglia | Co-Investigator Dr Melissa Jogie, University of Roehampton | Co-Investigator Dr Mariele Macaluso, University of Bologna.

These seed funding opporunties emerged from the UK-Italian Knowledge Frontiers Symposium held earlier in 2022.

Dr Jogie commented that her experience of participating in this competitive scheme was "quite exhilarating to be put together with international colleagues from different disciplinary fields you've never met before, to brainstorm unique ideas on demand with your theoretical wits, a sense of policy, and a general concept of wider social and politicial global agendas". She added "you learn so much from each other in these honest and raw competitive settings, sometimes the best ideas just spark within the team".

There are opportunties for postgraduate students who are fluent Italian-English speakers to undertake paid Research Assistant roles for some of these projects. If you are interested in obtaining more information or applying for a role please email: