External Training and Useful Links

External Training

Vitae is a national organisation championing the personal, professional and career development of doctoral researchers and research staff in higher education institutions and research institutes. Vitae provides a variety of events and training for research staff, supervisors of doctoral students, managers and administrative staff supporting the career or skills development of researchers

The Missenden Centre
Missenden Centre seminars offer small groups of academic and administrative staff, especially those in leadership and managerial roles, a unique opportunity to share and examine under 'the Chatham House Rule' your current concerns on topical issues. Seminars cover such areas as bidding, doctoral supervision and current strategic issues facing the sector.

Ethics Training Courses at the University of Keele
The University of Keele organise training courses aimed at members of University ethics committees. Further details can be found on their website.

UK Council for Graduate Education
The UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) was established for the public benefit to advance graduate education in all academic disciplines throughout the UK. The Council aims to achieve its mission through a variety of activities such as the organisation of conferences, workshops and discussion forums debating and reflecting on topical postgraduate issues, and the publication of reports and newsletters.

Career Development

The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers sets out the expectations and responsibilities of researchers, their managers, employers and funders. It aims to increase the attractiveness and sustainability of research careers in the UK and to improve the quantity, quality and impact of research for the benefit of UK society and the economy.

The Researcher Development Statement & Framework
The Researcher Development Statement (RDS) is for policy makers and research organisations that provide personal, professional and career development for researchers in higher education. It sets out the knowledge, behaviours and attributes of effective and highly skilled researchers appropriate for a wide range of careers.

The Researcher Development Statement is derived from the Researcher Development Framework (RDF), a major new approach to researcher development, which aims to enhance our capacity to build the UK workforce, develop world-class researchers and build our research base. Researchers are critical to economic success, addressing major global challenges, and building a leading knowledge economy.

Vitae is a national organisation championing the personal, professional and career development of doctoral researchers and research staff in higher education institutions and research institutes. Vitae aim to play a major role in the drive for high-level skills and innovation and in the UK's goal to produce world class researchers. Their vision is for the UK to be world-class in supporting the personal, professional and career development of researchers.

International Journal for Researcher Development
The International Journal of Researcher Development aims to provide a forum for the sharing of information and dissemination of good practice in the world-wide higher education sector, for the professional development of researchers.

BSA Early Career Forum (ECF)
The BSA ECF recognises the distinct set of challenges facing Early Career Sociologists in the current academic and employment climate. They offer a range of membership services and events designed specifically for the demands and needs of Early Career Sociologists. Working in conjunction with the BSA's thriving Sociologists Outside Academia group (SOAg) and other organisations (e.g. C-SAP), the EC Forum is a network for support and career development. No matter what age you are, if you identify as an Early Career Sociologist then this forum is for you!

The Career Development Organisation

CRAC: The Career Development Organisation is the independent, charitable organisation dedicated to career development and active, career-related learning. We have a passionate belief that individuals have the ability to achieve their career goals if they are equipped with the skills to do so.

RCUK - Career Development and Skills Training
The Research Councils are committed to enhancing the quality and output of the UK research base through training the next generation of world-class researchers. The Research Councils exert a specific influence on the higher education (HE) sector through funding a major portion of the human research capital: supporting over 30,000 researchers at any one time including 15,500 doctoral students, 10,000 research staff in universities, 4,000 research staff in research institutes and 2,000 Research Fellows. The RCUK Research Careers and Diversity Unit aims to build on the Research Councils' investments in training and fellowships by strengthening the skills base and by leading and influencing the skills agenda.