Student experiences

Titilayo Adebayo

Exchange semester at Manhattanville College, USA

Titlayo Adebayo

Degree Programme

Period of Study

Why did you choose to study abroad?
I wanted to study in a new environment and meet new people! After meeting US students on exchange at Roehampton in my first year, I wanted to give this a go too.

Best thing about studying abroad
One of the best things about studying abroad was discovering new cultures, learning to become more open-minded, and to communicate with others. It made me see my studies in a different light, and meeting new people and experiencing new things increased my confidence. I'm now more positive and hardworking, and discovering a new place has given me a new perspective on my life and world as a whole.

Most challenging aspect of studying abroad
Having to be careful with my money – there are so many opportunities! The lack of familiarity with my surrounding was also challenging – I made sure I made friends with local students to overcome this.

What have you gained from your time at Manhattanville?
I've gained confidence, drive and open-mindedness. I'm more understanding and try to help people - I've matured a lot. I'm planning on moving back to New York to work shortly!

Top tip for future study abroad students

  • Be open! Integrate as much as possible
  • Make friends with local students, get involved and be open to new opportunities
  • Be aware of culture shock – it does happen!

Places visited whilst studying abroad

  • Washington DC
  • Maryland
  • Connecticut

Justin Swift

Exchange semester at Macquarie University, Australia

Justin Swift and friends

Degree Programme
Business Management

Period of Study

Why did you choose to study abroad?
I wanted to travel and this was a cheap way to do it - I loved the idea of going to Australia. I knew it would look good on my CV and it would help to experience something very different.

Best thing about studying abroad
The people you meet – a diverse range of people from different countries, as well as local people. The nature and climate were so different – the weather, the wildlife, the scenery. It was great living in a new city and learning to get around. Starting from scratch was a challenge, but a good one.

Most challenging aspect of studying abroad
When I first arrived – as well as having jet lag and the heat, there was so much going on. It was an intense first few days. I also missed my family.

What would you say to anyone thinking of applying to study abroad?
Just do it! Don't overthink it – it seems scary, but just go for it!

Top tips for future study abroad students

  • Plan well in advance of going
  • Get to know the local area
  • Make plans, get out and about, and don't waste time – the time abroad passes by quickly!

Places visited whilst studying abroad
I visited 6 different states whilst in Australia – Tasmania, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory (Canberra) and South Australia