Additional Support and Resources

As you progress through your university application, we have a few extra resources you may need to find out more information about your journey.

As well as utilising our resources here you can chat with one of our current students and ask them questions about their journey to university, their current studies, and Roehampton life on our UniBuddy page.

For all additional webinars and resources including our University Taster Sessions, please visit our Anytime Open Day Page.

Pre-Recorded Subject and Support Sessions

Taster Lectures are an exciting, engaging, and interactive way to give your students a taste of academic life at university. We also offer pre-recorded support sessions to help break down the university  You can access our on-demand subject and support webinars through our Anytime Open Day page.

EPQ Support

In partnership with colleagues in our brand-new library, we offer support to students studying the Extended Project Qualification. This includes advice on research skills, how to reference and writing up. This session take place at the University of Roehampton library and allows students to access our library catalogue.

Designed for Years 12-13

Support with Clearing and Adjustment

On Results Day we can come to your school or college to support students entering Clearing and Adjustment, including making conditional offers to study at the University of Roehampton on the spot in real-time. This is a fantastic opportunity that will support students who just missed out on their intended university choices.

Designed for Year 13

Late Applicant Support

For those applying after the 15 January UCAS deadline we are here to offer reassurance that it is still possible to go to university that year. We demystify the process, explain how they can find out which universities are still taking applications, and discuss how to write an effective Personal Statement when time is short.

Designed for Year 13