Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship

School of Life and Health Sciences

Level 7

Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship

3 years PT

Start date

April 2024

September 2024

Degree Type


Course Details

Course overview

This exciting new multiprofessional programme is aimed at registered healthcare practitioners who wish to develop into Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) roles. ACPs are skilled professionals who are central to providing a responsive, flexible workforce to meet the future needs of healthcare organisations and the populations they serve. 

During this programme learners will develop advanced knowledge and skills such as history taking, advanced health assessment, clinical decision-making, patient management and prescribing. An awareness and enhanced understanding of quality improvement, research and audit will also be developed across the programme.  

This is an increasingly popular professional development route and important post registration qualification for registered clinicians. The apprenticeship will provide learners with the knowledge and skills to confidently provide evidence-based advanced practice across the integrated care system.  

Learning will incorporate a mixture of face-to-face teaching, as well as using the university’s virtual learning environment (VLE) Moodle. This blended approach supports the development of learners’ digital literacy skills which are essential for working in current and future health settings. Learners will also participate in diverse and authentic assessments in both theory and practice. These include case-study based assessments, oral presentations, poster presentations, self-reflections, peer review and feedback as well as an e-portfolio which evidences learner development across the programme.   


Career options

On completion of the programme, graduates will be well prepared to apply for ACP roles in a range of NHS, private, voluntary and independent settings, including primary care. ACP roles often provide the opportunity for graduates to work outside of their traditional professional field/boundaries. It is likely that due to the evolution of the healthcare workforce that further roles/career pathways will evolve rapidly in the future and indeed, ACPs are very well placed to lead this service development.  

How to apply

Employers – If you are an employer and would like to offer apprenticeships at your organisation, please get in touch with us by emailing 

We can provide you with all the information and guidance you need to set these up. 

Apprentice – If you are interested in completing this apprenticeship yourself, please speak to your employer to see if they offer an apprenticeship programme. We would be more than happy to speak to them about setting one up, so please do ask them to get in touch with us if they don’t have something in place. 


Entry requirements 

Have achieved level 2 Maths and English (i.e., GCSE grade C or above).   

Have ESFA funding approved. 

Bachelor's degree in a health-related subject with a minimum 2:2 honours classification (or equivalent) University of Roehampton criteria for Master’s degree entry alignment 

Registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council/HCPC  

Have 2-years post qualifying experience 

Be employed a minimum of 30 hours/week in an appropriate setting and have employer support to undertake the programme