Registry and Student Enquiries

The Registry and Enquiries teams provide a centralised, customer focused administration service in support of our current students and Alumni.

Student Enquiries

The Student Enquiries Team are based in the Welcome Centre located in Elm Grove Hall.

They are equipped to provide current students at the University with:

  • Council tax exemption letters
  • Status letters
  • Approval of student Oyster Card applications

If you need to change your personal or course details at any point during your course please click here.

Please make sure that your contact details are kept up-to-date.

You can also contact us at


The Registry team is responsible for Enrolment of new and continuing students, maintenance of student records system and University level student assessment and awards. Information relating to these areas is available via the Student Portal (internal access only).

You can also contact us at if you have any other queries related to your course.

Alumni (Former Students)

  • Reference or Confirmation of study
    If you or a prospective employer require confirmation that you studied here please email us at Third parties must supply a Data protection waiver.

    We will forward any requests for detailed academic references to your former academic department for completion. View our tips on requesting an academic reference here.
  • Replacement Certificate and/or Transcript
    If you require a replacement Certificate and/or Transcript please click here.

You can keep in touch with the University at