LLB (Hons) Law and Criminal Justice

Undergraduate Degree with Foundation Year Faculty of Business and Law

Train with leading legal experts and academics to gain the knowledge and skills you need to fulfil a career in criminal justice by immersing yourself in the current trends and responses to crime today.

LLB (Hons) Law and Criminal Justice
Entry Tariff

112–120 UCAS points (or equivalent)



ML62 (if choosing Foundation Year)


3 years (full-time)

4 years (full-time) if opting for the additional placement year

Start date

September 2024

Degree Type

LLB (single honours)


These modules are those we currently offer and may be subject to change.

This course is offered as a degree with foundation year – a four-year programme which provides an additional foundation year at the beginning of the degree, that will give you academic and practical experience, as well as the skills you need to ensure you are equipped to successfully complete your chosen degree.

£2,000 Foundation Scholarships for all home students  

Find out more about our degrees with a foundation year  


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Think like a lawyer from day one.

Ranked 1st in London for student satisfaction (Complete University Guide 2022), the Roehampton Law School offers a practice-based approach to learning and a strong foundation for your future career.

Studying for our LLB (Hons) Law and Criminal Justics degree will give you a wide range of transferable skills, setting you up for success in any profession. You’ll explore:

  • The essential law foundation subjects
  • How to practice law
  • A good understanding of current trends and responses to crime




You'll also draw on disciplines such as sociology, psychology and human rights and gain a dynamic understanding of legal concepts, values, principles and rules, as well as criminological theories and criminal justice practice. 

You can put these skills into practice with an optional professional placement between Years 2 and 3 of your course. Fully supported by our Placement Office, this is a chance to gain paid work experience and make valuable industry connections.

Read former law student, Julia Cwierz's blog 'My Citizens Advice Placement', where she talks about her experience of doing pro bono work with Wandsworth Citizens Advice.

How you'll learn

Get ahead with our ‘law in practice’ learning environment.

Designed by experienced academics and practitioners, with input from our internationally renowned Centre for Human Rights and Social Justice, this degree will encourage you to see the law in the context of everyday life right from the start.

You’ll spend most of your time in face-to-face classes, developing your understanding of legal and criminological issues and the core skills and competencies legal practitioners are expected to have.


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Mandatory course modules include:

  • Ethics and Skills: covering the structure and function of the English legal system
  • Criminal Law, which focuses on key principles in crimes such as murder, manslaughter, non-fatal and theft-related offences
  • Introduction to Criminal Justice, where you will analyse contemporary trends and policies in the criminal justice system

Beyond the Roehampton Law School, you’ll have opportunities to experience legal work in action through:

How you'll be assessed

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Evaluate your progress through real-world assessments.

During your time at Roehampton Law School, your projects, exercises, and assessments will reflect the contemporary working world of law, getting you ready for life after graduation.

Career options

Secure a sustainable legal career in a rapidly changing world.

With an LLB (Hons) Law and Criminal Justice degree from Roehampton, you’ll be ready to pursue a wide range of legal and criminal justics roles, including:

  • Paralegal
  • Crime Analyst
  • Practicing Solictor or Barrister
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You could also work in prison and probation services, the police, the Home Office, the Ministry of Justice and the court system. You will also be equipped to work in any career that demands critical reasoning skills. 

The Roehampton careers team is available to support you from the start of your studies until after you graduate.

You’ll benefit from personalised sessions in CV and application writing, presentation practice, mock interviews, and commercial-awareness training. You’ll have the chance to meet future employers through our network of industry partners across London.

Our dedicated Law Careers Advisor will connect you with graduate recruiters and support you through every step of your career planning and job search.

Application Info

How to apply

Undergraduate programmes


If you need any help or advice with your application, or just want to ask us a question before you apply, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We welcome applicants with a wide range of qualifications, including BTECs, A-levels and T Levels.

When we consider applications to study with us, we form a complete view of your achievements to date, and future potential. In some cases, we will make you a contextual offer. Contextual offers ensure that all applicants have a fair opportunity of gaining a place with us, regardless of their background. Find out more about contextual offers.

Detailed advice on applying for an undergraduate degree is available on our How to apply page.

Tuition fees and funding

September 2024 entry tuition fees

Year 1 fees, see links in table below for more information.

UK EU and International Placement year
£9,250 £15,750 £998

We offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries. See our 2024 financial support pages for UK students, and for international students.

We also provide other ways to support the cost of living, including free buses and on-campus car parking, hardship support and some of the most affordable student accommodation and catering in London. Find out more about how we can support you.

Entry tariff

We welcome applications from students studying T Levels.

For all courses we also accept a wide range of other qualifications and experience. Contact us to find out more.

When we consider applications to study with us, we form a complete view of your achievements to date, and future potential, and can offer flexibility in entry requirements. Find out more about our Contextual Offer scheme.

Specific entry requirements

GCSE requirement: English and Maths, Grade 4 (C) or higher.

​General entry requirements

International students

Contextual offers

When we consider applications to study with us, we form a complete view of your achievements to date, and future potential, and can offer flexibility in entry requirements.

Find out more  

Need help before you apply?

Our Students

"The teaching on the course makes topics like police and human rights so engaging. I plan to become a solicitor for a governmental department."

Anne Wijayarathne, LLB (Hons) Law and Criminology

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