Psychology and Sociology

Undergraduate Degree with Foundation Year School of Psychology

Study a degree that prepares you for a career in the dynamic, future-orientated and ever-changing society of psychology and sociology.

Psychology and Sociology
Entry Tariff

112 UCAS points (or equivalent)

Foundation Year entry: 64 UCAS points (or equivalent)



C8L2 (if choosing Foundation Year)


3 years (full-time)

4 years (full-time) if opting for the additional placement year

4 years (full-time) if opting for Foundation Year entry

Start date

September 2024

Degree Type

BSc (single honours)


These modules are those we currently offer for 1 year (full time) and may be subject to change.

This course is offered as a degree with foundation year – a four-year programme which provides an additional foundation year at the beginning of the degree, that will give you academic and practical experience, as well as the skills you need to ensure you are equipped to successfully complete your chosen degree.

£2,000 Foundation Scholarships for all home students  

Find out more about our degrees with a foundation year  

  • Psychology of Resilience and Success
  • Introduction to Psychological Research
  • The Evolution of Psychology
  • Understanding Human Behaviour
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Sociology of Everyday Life
  • Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience 
  • Understanding the individual and Society
  • Development and Transitions Across the Lifespan
  • Psychological Research: Design, Analysis and Impact
  • The Sociological Imagination
  • Human Rights in Society

This course offers all students the option of a one-year paid work placement, to boost your employability even further. If you choose this route, you will take the placement following year two of your course, and then return to complete your degree.

Why take a placement?

A placement year is the perfect opportunity to gain valuable work experience, to build on the career skills we will teach you on this degree. The connections you make on the placement will improve your career prospects further, and equip you with the skills you need to secure graduate-level employment.

How we support you

The University's Placement and Work Experience Team are experts at helping you to secure a placement. They will work closely with you from the start, helping you research potential employers, discover placement opportunities, create and pitch your CV, and will coach you to perform well in interviews. We aren't able to guarantee a placement, but our sector-leading advisors will give you the best possible chance of securing one.

Find out more about how we'll support you  

We understand that your plans might change once you start your programme. If you decide not to do a placement, you will have the option of completing the three year version of your programme.

Whatever your choice, you will have access to many opportunities for work experience through our Placement and Work Experience Team, and access to face-to-face and 24/7 online careers support.

  • Psychological Practice for Communities and Industry
  • Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights
  • Independent Research Project
  • Digital Society
  • Sociology of Health and Medicine


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You’ll focus on developing ‘psychological and sociology literacy’ and the ability to apply knowledge for the benefit of self, community, and society, including opportunities for reflective learning, self-development and practical applications.

You’ll gain a unique and rich understanding through a psychological and sociological lens of:

  • Human behaviour
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Social processes and inequalities
  • Experiences of the individual and society

​You’ll develop a range of skills, that are valued by employers. These include:

  • Reasoning
  • Problem solving and analytical skills
  • Effective communication
  • Reflective and critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Data analysis
  • Interpersonal sensitivity and awareness

You’ll learn core and contemporary subjects within psychology and sociology and shape your degree around your own interests and ambitions. Topics include:

  • Sociology of everyday life
  • Human rights in society
  • Digital society

Professional accreditation

This programme is seeking accreditation by the British Psychological Society (BPS). This means, if you graduate with at least a 2:2 you’ll be eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) of the BPS – which is an essential first step if you want to go on to become a Charted Psychologist.

It also means our teaching is of the highest standard, and you’ll receive excellent levels of support within our school.

How you'll learn

Get ready for your future with tailored teaching and contact time.

On our BSc Psychology and Sociology, you’ll be taught innovatively through lectures and small group seminars. At least 50% of your teaching will be in seminars, lab classes or workshops.

You’ll be learning through our enthusiastic and supporting academic tutors, who are also practitioners and involved in the latest research.​

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You’ll apply your knowledge of concepts and theories of current issues and problems through:

  • Assessments
  • Essays
  • Exams
  • Portfolios
  • Presentations
  • Authentic assessments

As our courses are taught over no more than three days per week, you’ll have the flexibility to take on paid part-time work, placements, or internships – gaining real-world experience before you graduate.

How you'll be assessed

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There are multiple opportunities for you to integrate theory and practice to real-world applications. You’ll demonstrate your skills and understanding through:

  • Exams
  • Lab reports
  • Essays
  • Portfolios
  • Case studies
  • Presentations
  • Research summaries

Between Years 2 and 3, you can also opt for a professional placement year, meaning you have the opportunity to apply for a placement and gain valuable real-world experience.

Career options

Earn a degree you can do Psychology and Sociology with.

With its accreditation with the BPS, your future with our BSc Psychology could be in:

  • Scientific research and teaching
  • Youth and community work
  • Charitable organisations
  • Local and national government, public sector and police
  • Law and legal services
  • Financial services

You could continue your studies and become a forensic, counsellor, or occupational, educational or clinical psychologist.

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​How our careers service supports you

Our careers support team is available to support you from the start of your studies until after you graduate.

They will help you build your CV, prepare for interviews, and meet and learn from successful graduates working at the top of their careers.

You’ll also have opportunities to work with our partners across London and beyond, and to attend a Roehampton jobs fair where you can find out about graduate opportunities and meet employers

Application Info

How to apply

Undergraduate programmes


If you need any help or advice with your application, or just want to ask us a question before you apply, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We welcome applicants with a wide range of qualifications, including BTECs, A-levels and T Levels.

When we consider applications to study with us, we form a complete view of your achievements to date, and future potential. In some cases, we will make you a contextual offer. Contextual offers ensure that all applicants have a fair opportunity of gaining a place with us, regardless of their background. Find out more about contextual offers.

Detailed advice on applying for an undergraduate degree is available on our How to apply page.

Tuition fees and funding

UK EU and International Placement year
£9,250 £15,750 £998

Specific entry requirements: 

GCSE (or equivalent) requirement: Maths, Grade C/4.

​General entry requirements

International students

Validation and curriculum review

What is validation?
Validation is a formal process through which the University approves a programme (content, teaching, learning and assessment) as being of appropriate standard and quality. This is a normal process used throughout the university sector.

The University expects to publish details of the validated programme in the academic year prior to the start date of the programme. You are advised to check the University website at that time to ensure that you have up-to-date information. In the meantime, if you require information you should contact 0208 392 3232.

What is curriculum review?
Curriculum review is the regular and systematic monitoring and reviewing of programmes. It is a normal process in the sector and it is the way by which the university ensures that your course remains up-to-date and relevant. The process may result in changes to the content, structure and/or assessment of the programme.

The University expects to publish details of the re-validated programme by 31 March in the academic year prior to the start date of the programme. You are advised to check the University website at that time to ensure that you have up-to-date information. In the meantime, if you require information you should contact 0208 392 3232.

Contextual offers

When we consider applications to study with us, we form a complete view of your achievements to date, and future potential, and can offer flexibility in entry requirements.

Find out more  

Need help before you apply?