University regulations, policies and procedures

The documents on this page should be read in conjunction with the University's Articles of Association and the University Regulations, which can be found on our Governance Pages. Queries about particular documents can be addressed to the University Secretary;

Student Contract

A legally binding agreement between the University and its students.

Student-Specific Regulations, Policies and Procedures

The following regulations, policies and procedures relate specifically to the relationship between the University and its students. Please also see the Quality and Standards Pages for other academic regulations, policies and procedures relating to student assessment. 

Access and participation plan

In line with the University access and participation plan the published tuition fees for 2023/24 are as follows:

Other University Policies and Procedures

The following policies and procedures apply to all members of the University community, including staff and students. Policies and procedures relating specifically to staff can be found on the HR pages of the Staff Portal