Dramatherapy Foundation Course

Short Courses and CPD School of Psychology
Dramatherapy Foundation Course

Course Details


A programme of experiential workshops led by the course facilitators and seminars given by visiting Dramatherapists from a wide range of fields.

One full-day Induction (Saturday) and introductory workshop to begin the course to be held in October 2022 with weekly evening classes to follow; finishing with a full Plenary Day to close in March 2023.

Course Structure

Experiential Workshops

These on campus workshops will form the main framework of the course and will be facilitated by experienced registered Dramatherapy practitioners. They will focus on aspects of Dramatherapy, Ritual Theatre and Applied Theatre techniques.

Whilst it is stressed that the main emphasis of the experiential workshops is educational and not therapeutic, participants should be prepared to work with the tensions between their personal and professional learning.

Seminars and Lectures

Throughout the workshop structure, key theoretical and practise-based themes will be explored through peer discussion, as well as some formal tutor-led presentations.


Participants are invited to keep a reflective log of their experiences while on the course which constitutes a record of their personal psychological journey (including images, stories and poems). As such, the log itself will be a highly personal manuscript and will not be assessed.

Participants will also be required to participate in a performance process towards the end of the course, which will be assessed by the course tutor and reflective feedback offered.

You will need to complete a minimum of 70% of the course and the assessment process in order to receive an electronic attendance certificate.

Please note that completion of the Dramatherapy Foundation course not guarantee a place on the MA Dramatherapy programme at Roehampton University.


This timetable is provisional - dates and times may be subject to change.




21 October


Introductions and overview of the course.

A day to establish the group, and to begin exploring key dramatherapy elements of play, rituals of transformation, embodied expression, and story

25 October

7pm - 9pm

Working with stories

1 November

7pm - 9pm


8 November

7pm - 9pm

Archetypes within stories

15 November

7pm - 9pm

Embodiment & Enactment of stories

22 November

7pm - 9pm

Use of metaphor & Symbol

29 November

7pm - 9pm

Case Vignette of story work

6 December

7pm - 9pm

Improvisationand use of Applied Theatre techniques

13 December 

7pm - 9pm

Peter Brooks 'The Empty Space':Play & spontaneity, and preparing the space

10 January

7pm - 9pm

Winnicott's 'Playing and Reality', and transitional phenomena

17 January

7pm - 9pm

Developmental play

24 January

7pm - 9pm

Probs and puppets

31 January

7pm - 9pm


7 February

7pm - 9pm

Therapeutic Theatre

14 February

7pm - 9pm

Collaborative process

21 February

7pm - 9pm

Clinical Settings and client groups

28 February

7pm - 9pm

Devising a Therapeutic Theatre performance

6 March

7pm - 9pm

Facilitation skills

13 March

7pm - 9pm

Designing and developing a workshop

16 March


Therapeutic Theater Performances. Feedback and Reflections

Suggested Reading

The suggested reading list is available here.



Application Deadline

6 October 2023, 1pm


Places are awarded on a "first paid first serve" basis due to demand


Online or on Campus


20 Weeks

(18 x two hour Wednesday evening classes plus two Saturdays)


Online teaching

21/10/2023 > 23/03/2024

On Campus Teaching

Date: 21/10/2023 > 23/03/2024